

Paris, 2011

Lyre is a musical instrument that is played without being touched like the famous Theremin.
Sensors capture hand movements of the viewer for vibrating the glass pieces.
The hands move up and down to vary the notes.
Lyra is an acoustic space itself. The sounding product all a visual play of reflections.

Diamond glass, stainless steel, transducer, interface, sensor, amplifier, 1 computer
Each glass strip : 300 x 210 x 1,8 cm / interior arcade : 180 cm

Exhibition views, “Anicroches”, Espace culturel Louis Vuitton, 2011 and
“Bio-feedback”, Espace de l’Art Concret,2012

Work produced with the support of Espace Culturel Louis Vuitton, Annenberg Foundation,
Quantum Glass, Espace de L’Art Concret